Louisville Art Deco - House: 710 Algonquin Parkway
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Last Updated:    January 18, 2012      Update: Demolished.

Date Constructed: 19??
Address: 710 Algonquin Pkwy
Current Building Name: N/A - residential
Earlier Building Names: N/A
Architect: Unknown at this time
Builder: Unknown at this time
Current Status: Vacant - auctioned April 2006
Designation (if applicable): Unknown at this time

I happened to visit this house the week before it was scheduled for auction. The exterior is stuccoed cinder block and looks much better than the interior! The flat roof had collapsed in the middle of the home, and the interior had only damp, mildewed studs and electrical conduit hanging everywhere. It needs a complete renovation. Although, I doubt this will occur. This house along with the house to the north, and the empty half-lot to the south were scheduled for auction on April 29, 2006. I do not know the outcome, but there is also a vacant gas station to the south, which combined with these 2-1/2 lots at auction makes for a potential sale to a commercial investor. The owner told me that one of the national chains of drug stores had inquired some time back. I expect that eventually this home will be torn down for retail.

UPDATE: Building was demolished prior to 2010 to make way for a Walgreens store.

Photos by Jim L. Patterson - copyright 2006, unless otherwise noted.

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